Friday, June 4, 2010

L.L.'s IMPACT Initiative

Writers are so cool. Today I read an awesome post by my friend, the uber cool, Lindsey Leavitt.

In her words, "I noticed a few weeks ago that I’d become so focused on accomplishing all the things I needed to do—for my family, for my move, for my work—that I wasn’t really reaching out beyond the immediate me. The excuses, however valid, just kept building up until they’d created a wall between me and those who I could potentially serve."

Lindsey went on to say, "I often write IMPACT when signing my name in books. It’s a word that has new meaning to my main character, Desi, as she takes on different princesses’ identities. I believe in that word—believe everyone in this world has the ability to positively impact others—but sometimes felt weird writing it. How could I tell others to reach out when my own arms were folded so tightly to my chest?"

What a great way to describe how so many of us feel. Especially as writers, I think we tend to live inside our computers much of the time, often neglecting what is *real* around us. To make her own impact, Lindsey rounded up twenty other authors who have all signed on to share ways they have "impacted" other people in their real world OR have been impacted by someone else. She is blogging about it all month long and I, for one, am looking forward to reading them!

Be sure to check it out!!! She's giving away tons of swag too, and I know how you all love that!


Gail said...

IMPACT is an important word. Off the top of my head I'd say:

Life has changed as my vision loss has an impact on me.

I want my writing to impact children.

I want my (hopefully) published books to impact others by donating a portion of any proceeds to various organizations.

Katie Anderson said...

Well said, Gail! I have been thinking about this a lot lately.

prashant said...

I want my writing to impact children.
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