My two weeks of blissful solitude are over.
Lindsey and I drove nearly 16 hours to Missouri and back yesterday to pick up the chickens and we are back in the swing of things already. Life moves fast when the kiddos are around. I'm already exhausted and they've only been home twelve hours!
Today, I am headed to the laundromat to wash the seven or eight loads of clothes they brought home (yikes!!!!). This is key because you can load seven washers at once and be done in one cycle :)
I am taking the last chunk of my KISS revisions with me. I got quite a bit accomplished on the book last week but there's still a large section left to revise so I'm hoping to finish it this week before we go to the beach.
SF is on the road today with her chickens too. They are going to an incredible Spanish immersion camp in Nashville and I am secretly jealous. I heart all things Spanish. I should have been born in Spain, I tell you! Sadly, since my girls hear me speak it all the time, they think nothing sounds worse than going to a camp their mother would love. *sigh...
I guess that's it! More revisions for me, and Sf is back at work on her novel too.
P.S. We are counting the days until LA! Soon, Babies, soon!
Glad things went well. :) (And, p.s., they look so much like you!)
Have a great week, Katie!
You're girls are gorgeous, Katie! Good luck getting caught up on laundry and finishing the MS. Can't wait to hear how it turns out!
Spanish immersion camp!? You guys rock. Seriously.
When is your trip to LA? I need to know so I am text ready!!!
How fun to have your kids back! Glad to hear your revisions are going well too. I really need to finish mine up.
Greetings from Nash Vegas! I'm sitting in a very cool (very loud) coffee shop. I will definitely have to bring headphones tomorrow.
It is very strange to switch gears from picture book to middle grade. And, I'm hitting some pretty serious snags. I may change from third person to first . . . ugh.
Spanish immersion camp sounds WAY too cool!!!
Good luck on the revisions! Can't wait to hear that you're finished.
Holy Moly - the kiddos are wearing me out! I got too spoiled during the break. Now, I'm back to stealing an hour hear and there to write. arrrghhh
My latest plan is I tell them goodnight at 8 and then go to my hubby's office to revise until midnight every night. So far, so good.
I'm moving at a turtle's speed, but he won the race!
it was fun chit chatting at all hours while it lasted. :) Now we'll have to wait til LA!
Kids are adorable!
Good luck with your writing schedule. Let us know when it's ready to go out into the world.
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