I like to think I'm evolved... But the fact that I am hopelessly addicted to THE BACHELOR PAD might prove otherwise. Thankfully, my darling husband is addicted too, making me feel slightly less shallow.
What I love about this show is that it takes Survivor type tactics to a whole new level. The producers have wickedly pitted the boys against the girls, but they all share the same room. AND, they have to kick off members of the OPPOSITE sex.
It's hard to explain here how this all plays out, but let me just assure you, it's delicious.
Last night, one sideways move by a key player, and the entire game was thrown off. It was a sight to behold as Gia (my total fave) chose the wrong guy to give her rose to, which had drastic repercussions in the end.
Do any of you watch it? What's your take? My husband and I were sad to see Craig M leave because he is so drama. But we can't WAIT for next week!
Yours Truly,
I've never watched it but I'm addicted to Big Brother...I think people who are interested in people and the psychology behind what makes them tick LOVE these shows. We see it as a little experiment in human behavior!
hahahaha! Yeah, I'madicted to many things - that doesn't happen to be one of them. Though, in truth, I haven't seen it either!
I've not seen this yet. I have to be careful about reality TV because I get sucked in Sooooo Easily.
And school is starting so the time factor just shrunk.
Haven't seen it. Project Runway is my only reality show.
I'd feel like I was cheating on Tim Gunn if I started watching another one ...
I have not watched it, but it sounds like something Mr. J will totally get into so I'll get on it!
I don't watch this one. When I DO lower myself to viewing reality TV I prefer trainwrecks like Real Housewives and stuff like that. However, this one does sound interesting ...
I do watch..*hangs head in shame*, but I haven't told my husband yet for fear of him leaving me! Lol. You are lucky to have a partner in your guilty pleasure! :) Cannot believe Gia caved and gave Wes the rose. I kept waiting for Craig to confront her! WTF, she already TOLD him he was getting it? But, for once, there was no drama over it....
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