So, here's how the question goes: "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three books would you want to have with you?"
Here is what I am being asked to do by this Julia Cameron person--NOT READ. For an entire week. Seriously.
I guess that I can understand her reasoning. She is wanting us to find some sort of clarity and to free our minds up so that new creative thoughts can emerge. But . . .
I can't NOT read. That is my definition of hell. It really is. This is my nightstand, and there are about ten more piles like this around my house.
I've thought about how to get around this:
*Give up reading blogs for a week
*Give up reading the newspaper for a week
*Give up reading novels for a week
*Only read right before bed
But that's not what she said to do. She said give up reading entirely for a week.
I was telling Katie about this (she's reading the book on her own and hasn't gotten to this chapter yet), and she asked me "What would be the benefit of not reading?" So I read her Julia's list of fabulous things I'm supposed to accomplish by not reading, a list that includes such things as sewing curtains, painting a piece of furniture, cooking, working out, listening to music, mending, sorting closets . . . And Katie said, "You do all those things anyway."
I said, "You're right." So I am hereby refusing to participate in this part of the process. Yes. I am a rebel. A rebel, I tell you. And, I'm going to work on my list of three books to take to my desert island--I may even READ one of them.
A rebel, a ninja... the complete package. A guy I dated gave me The Artist's Way many years ago. I did the free writing pages each morning. Interesting what you find out about yourself.
Wow. I've never heard of this book, but it's interesting that she thinks not reading would facilitate creativity. I've always found the opposite, whenever I'm stuck I read a good book and it always seems to help. I can't imagine not reading for a week! That's insanity!
Well, I suppose if you took a week off of reading then you'd come back with some crazy fervor and probably tear through like 18 books in an hour.
Still, though...There are too many good books that I haven't read to afford taking a week off.
That's quite the stack you've got there!
Artist's Way is a great book! My husband and I have both read it and did morning pages for years, though i never managed to get into the "artist's date"
You mean if I give up reading I'll know how to sew, cook, and paint? I didn't realize that the only thing in my way was my love of books! Maybe I could play the piano too!!! That would be awesome...
I found my journal from the NO READING week of The Artist's Way (I started it in late 1996) and I wanted to quit it too:
"Not reading is about to drive me insane. I did two crossword puzzles on the plane. Eavesdropped on a conversation. Compared people's haircuts and ears." (And then long rant on ears...)
But it payed off, because I wrote afternoon pages as well as morning pages that week, just to get me through the deprivation hell. So. Just saying. Consider observing yourself as you "give up reading." Rebel against the rebel. Write about it.
I am writing on my phone so this will be short. Hey y'all! SF, I love Sara's idea- to journal about the suckiness of not reading.
I went through The Artist's Way years ago. (Before having a kid.) I don't recall giving up reading...but I did manage to try knitting. For like a day.
And the morning pages are awesome. I was at my best during that time of my life. Think I might need to get back to that. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Bug! Sara, you may have convinced me, but I've already blown it this week (reading an AMAZING arc from a friend) . . . then next week, the beach . . . maybe the next week? I'm not required to do this thing in order, am I? Wait , I'm a rebel. And, I'm forty.
I'll NOT read in a couple of weeks.
Eek! I can't not read. I mean can you read your email? or your blog? or your email? text messages? email?
Like whoa sista! That's insane. Totally Sidharrthean or something. Couldn't do it.
You're right PC.
I'm not doing it.
I guess you will never know the true benifit of self depridation...blah, blah, blah.
Great looking site Sarah, I will check back and see if I can learn anything from reading your thoughts.
...uh so much for proof reading my own writing...
Oooh, you rebel you! I wouldn't give up reading either.
Not read for a week? Good luck with that!
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