Wednesday was an ominous day and I'm not one who believes in "signs". It all began with a really cool phone call, followed by several extremely exciting emails! (more on that hopefully later)
At The Kroger (SF has caused me to add "the" to everything :) the checkout guy accidentally stuck someone else's two giant PAY DAY candy bars in my bag as well as EXTRA gum and two giant Almond JOYS. You see where I'm headed?
Payday in hand, I got another two phone calls from peeps who I haven't heard from in a long time. One of them even said she had a "Katie vibe" and felt the need to check in. Cue Twilight Zone music.
After the calls, I turned on the TV and The Doctors was on. Do you know this show? Well, it's like Dr. Oz and 4 docs who cover some sort of medical topic. *I must confess here that I've never actually watched it. But, before I could flip the channel, I saw that their guest looked familiar. I sat there staring at him and wondered, "Is that the guy on MTV Tool Academy? Was he on the Bachelorette? Hmm... who is that guy?"
The Docs said his name and lo and behold it was the guy I sat next to on the plane home from SCBWI-LA! Needless to say, I ran upstairs to find his card so that I could email him and say I saw him when I flipped the card over and read this:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole.
I believe baby, I believe!!!!!! Something's in the air around here.
Oh, I have the chills! :)
yes believe, breathe, and have patience.
I knew I should have gone to The Kroger instead of The Walmart the other day!! Dang it.
Love it!! Good things are afoot!
The Truth is Out There.
(So are lots of good things in your future.)
It's that season.
I just read your previous blog and I now have a new, non-writing related goal: I never, ever, never want to end up on that Walmart site...good grief.
Ooh, one of /those/ days. Yay! :)
As someone who DOES believe in signs, I'm super excited for you!
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