Secondly, I am now fashion obsessed as I stayed with my childhood BFF who just so happens to be rather famous in NY because of her mega famous store in SOHO, called KIRNA ZABETE. Now, go get your coffee and check out this video of Sarah and her business partner Beth. It's divine.
Make sure you follow KIRNA ZABETE on facebook and Twitter to keep up with all of the latest runway trends from NY and Paris. Sarah and Beth make fashion fun and accessible. You'll see. They upload photos from all of the private showrooms in Paris so we can see what they like right along with them.
Okay. Back to my trip!
I arrived Monday night and crashed at Sarah's after a glass of vino and some catching up. Tuesday morn I went to visit my rockstar agent, Cheryl, who is even more cute and wonderful in person!!! (She's the gorgeous blonde in the photo) We chit-chatted for a while before the famous Jill Grinberg arrived who was also totally cute and fun. After that, I walked a couple of blocks over to meet SF's agent - the very awesome Joanna Stampfel Volpe (yep - the beautiful brunette) who is just as hip and cool as we all think she is! Jo showed me around her office and then took me underground to introduce me to the NYC subway! Thank Goodness! (I was way too chicken on my own)

From there it was straight over to Kirna Zabete to get Sarah for lunch at my new favorite lunch spot, Le Pain Quotidien. Dee-lish! Then back home to rest up until the uber cool hip-hop class we went to at Sarah's gym. **I know I should have gone shopping at this point but I was exhausted. Midtown wears me out. Even in NYC I'm still a small town girl. In fact, when I go back I will only stay in Tribeca or SOHO hotels. Just sayin'...
An hour or so later it was off to Odeon for drinks and dinner and then home.
Wednesday, I took a cab straight to midtown to do a little shopping before a very secret, but very cool meeting. After buying a military coat at Anthropologie and checking out some other cool shops, I had my meeting and then walked to the 911 memorial. Whoa. I started tearing up and had to leave really quick but was impressed with their plans for Ground Zero. And let me just say that Ground Zero is ginormous!
Cheryl and I were joined by Sarah and another friend, Sarah Beth Turner, who is an up and coming photographer in the city. Check out her website!
then we left and went home, but not before leaving my white coat at the restaurant....
I still don't have it.
I'm hoping Sarah gets it today.
I woke up Thursday to come home and it was snowing!!!!!!!!
Bliss :-)
Hey Katie-Love this post. I WILL get your white coat today. Might have to layer it on. It is 13 degrees. xoxoS
I always take like five photos when I go on vaca and then I am depressed when I get back. So when I went to Europe, I took over 1200 photos. I get back home and my step-brother uses the camera and magically deletes my photos...after I cried for a whole day, I took the card to a pro and got some back.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Veni, vedi, vici.
This is my word ver: aflumsch
Aflumsch (n.) the feeling one gets after loosing 2 thou photos of London and Paris.
Wow, Katie, you are so funny. Meeting Sf's agent for her. I wish I was as out-going as you! I had an agent for two years and I never met her in person even though I live commuting distance from the city!
What a cool trip!!
I am kind of jealous.....
You mean you left that oh so stylish white coat that captured my eye in that photo (after Jo's FAB keyhole sweater and necklace--you stylish gals--LOL)??
Yeah I avoided mid-town like the PLAGUE when I lived there and only stay with friends or somewhere NOT midtown when I visit. :D
Yeah Ground Zero is shockingly enormous... and OHH! Century 21. I miss Zara stores too! At least we have an Anthropologie in Cleveland now.
Sounds like a GREAT TRIP. Off to click on your links!
fun and fab trip!
I love it! What a great New York experience! I really need to get out of Midtown when I stay in the NY. I did meet up with some friends that knew their way around and that was a great trip. I tend to wander around on my own, but never seem to make it out of Manhattan. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time, Katie In The City.
Noooo!!! I hope you get that coat back, Katie! It was fab!!
**And in the pic, if you look really closely behind me, you may notice a familiar illustration posted right next to my desk...
Sounds like the rest of the trip was wonderful-glad you had a good time in our crazy city :)
All of you are too cute!!!
And, Jo, I totally noticed my postcard on your bulletin board in the background. I feel so famous!!!!
I'm so glad you had such a fab trip Katie. I'm dying to get up there!
What a FUN trip! Every Mama needs solo time--and in NYC no less! Let's have lunch soon....Muffin
What a great time! It sounds like a wonderful whirlwind :)
Sounds like you had fun. Too bad you couldn't add on the SCBWI conference too. That might have been happiness overload though! Wouldn't want you to explode!
Sounds like a fabulous trip dahling. And I'm with the others, you better get that gorge coat back! It was the first thing I noticed in the pics.
Thanks guys! It was truly fabulous - a once in a lifetime kind of trip!
Jonathan, I would have been devastated to lost all those photos!!!!
Corey, you MUST go meet your agent. Must.
Thanks Shelley!
Christina, several peeps told me to hit Zara and I was just too tired. Next time :)
Thanks Shelli!!!
J, "Katie in the City" haha! That was it!
Joanna, can you believe I left my coat?! I hope Sarah picked it up. And I am very familiar with that adorable illustration over your shoulder :)
Thanks Muffin and Sherrie!
And Gail, SCBWI WOULD have been brain overload! I like my LA conference...
Lila Dahlings, I miss you :-)
very very cool - so glad to have your blog in my favorites now! can't wait to hear more details this morning!!! next time you go to NYC, please....TAKE ME WITH YOU! :-)
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