This means that, yes, I have all day to myself--all day to work on my middle grade that has been simmering on the back burner for several months now . . .
Before I came to Nashville, I did some asking around and discovered that the coolest coffee shop around was Fido--a coffee shop that used to be a pet store. There are doggie prints in the concrete and other cute leftovers from the building's pet store days. I love this place--great coffee, great local organic food, great atmosphere (a little loud, but fun) . . . but there is one tiny problem. There are no plugs. And, my laptop battery lasts about two-three hours. Tops.

So, I did some more sleuthing and figured out that there was another really cool coffee shop owned by the same people (so no guilt about switching loyalty or infidelity or anything) called Bongo Java. I set my GPS and found my new digs. Again, a problem. The only parking spaces that I could find were for two hour parking. Bug!!

Anyway, today I went back to Fido and turned off my airport, dimmed my screen light, and worked furiously on my middle grade. I didn't get to stay all day and work as long as I liked, but I'm getting a ton of stuff done. And, I took some good breaks and read some other middle grade books for help with voice.
Plus, I got to spend a little time at Anthropologie (after my battery died, of course).
Yay for writing in coffee shops! It just feels more writerly somehow, doesn't it?
And Anthropology is dangerous, but a fabulous diversion for those without a charged laptop. I bet you earned it after all that writing!
A coffee shop without a plug?? What?? That's crazy. But I'm glad you got some good things done despite the setbacks. :)
Miss you!!! And I'm gonna be gone when you get back :(
I really must try this writing at a coffee shop I keep hearing about. I am so easily distracted (I can barely read in an airport) that I've always avoided it, but apparently it is the pilgrimage of the writer, eh?
Yay Anthropologie! Lila, not sure if I actually EARNED it . . .
And, yeah Elena, the lack of plugs is crazy.
Miss J, It is a bit distracting--especially at first, but so is my house (laundry beckons, unopened mail, the stack of magazines on the counter). Headphones are good if you can write and listen to music.
Aw, have fun at the beach Katie!!!
I love it! Between the battery and the parking time limits, I think it's just a sign to take a break ... so, you did the right thing heading to Anthropologie! :-)
I'm with Ms. J. Love the idea of writing ina coffee shop,btu don'tthink I'd get anythign done!
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