My word for 2009 is going to be "focus".
One reason for my choice is that I seem to be saying it to myself over and over and over these days like some sort of obsessive mantra as I'm trying to force myself back into a normal routine after the holidays. The second reason is that my life is full of noise, chaos and distractions--all things that are detrimental to getting into the writing zone.
As a mother of three children, I have lots of external things pulling me away from my writing life. I find myself volunteering for things out of a sense of guilt and obligation and I consider my writing an "indulgence". So, not only do I need to focus on the task at hand and tune out distractions, I also need to refocus how I view my creative life. My writing and artwork are not hobbies or indulgences. They are lifeblood and necessities.
So, focus . . . . focus . . . .focus . . . dammit!
SO very true! It's essential to take yourself and your craft seriously, so that others will too. Good word for the year!
Dude. This is a great word. I am gonna write all of these words on my bathroom mirror.
Funny - I just realized that all of those words have to do with YOGA.
Maybe I'll just write the yoga schedule on my mirror and the word, "GO!"
I just saw my neurologist this morning because I'm a chronic migraine sufferer. I told him that I had been having half as many migraines over the last six months or so. And, you know what he asked me?
"Have you started going to yoga?"
Well, yes . . . about six months ago . . .
More points for yoga!
Can't wait to see where your focus takes you, SF! I predict beautiful places...
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