A couple of my friends picked words for 2009. Mantras if you will. Things that they hoped would define their year. Shelli picked "Breathe." Irene picked "Listen." And while I loved reading about their words, I had no real desire for one of my own.
Then last night I went to yoga. The HOT kind. Bikram. And I realized that I haven't enjoyed yoga in months. I have had my mind too full of other stuff. Emotional stuff. And it has robbed me of the joy of single minded yoga.
So I am claiming a word... Balance.
This year I hope to balance my time between writing, and playing, and working, and talking, and cooking, and laughing, and planning, and crying, and dancing and loving and everything else. So that no one thing sucks too much of my mental energy and robs the rest of my life of peace.
Namaste :-)
P.S. That pose is NOT me. But this one is :-)
Yogi Bear a-tone! I saw the photo! How do you keyboard while floating in the air like that? Are you a toe-tapper?
2009 is gonna be awesome!
I totally thought that photo was of you. But I also think the real photo of you is far more impressive!
I like the idea of having a mantra for the year. I think I'll choose "In Lak'ech", a Mayan greeting that means "I am another you". I've always liked it.
In Lak'ech!
I love Bikram. Can't wait til this ear infection is over so I can get back to it :) Great word!
Okay, I think my word is going to be "focus" because I seem to keep repeating it to myself these days . . .
And, Katie, next time come over and I'll take a picture of you in that pose.
Yay! I love that you're getting balance back to your life (figuratively and literally!).
I think my word will be...keep moving on. That's three words. But it feels like one. :-)
You are so right! I'm claiming that word too, but without the pose! Ha!
Wow. It looks like everyone is looking forward to 2009! And putting 2008 behind them. I love all of your "words!"
And SF, I have been to yoga with you lately, and I think I should be taking pics of YOU, not me!
BALANCE and FOCUS... excellent! And Katie, you are totally amazing in that pic! Inspiring!!
My hero!
If you can balance on your kitchen table then you can definitely curve a bullet. I'm positive that the back bend on the train would also be no sweat.
Bikram yoga and running have become my version of anti-anxiety meds. I leave the office twice a week at 4:30 to hand my racing thoughts to a man in booty shorts and fibrous abs that tells me that Bikram doesn't pass out cheesecakes. He passes out pain-cakes.
I actually have written two essays on the near nudity and sheer bliss of hot yoga. I'll have to post them soon!
So glad to meet you!
Ahhh... the bad a$$ backbend on the train. Now THAT, I aspire to...
Oh, BALANCE is a goo done. i have a hard time with that! I can't multi-task. (I can't even stand on one foot :)
Whose idea was this "one word" thing? Very clever.
I just recognized you for a blog award on my page! Come see!
Loved the Wolverine trailer! I am a huge fan of Hugh Jackman, specifically as Wolverine. I sit in the theatre with a big goofy grin whenever he's onscreen. I love me a manly man, especially one with powers!
To answer your question regarding my writing - I'm primarily non-fiction at this particular time. My essays would probably categorize me as a humorist/essayist, but I just finished a coming of age memoir. It is darker, but still my voice. Lots of sarcasm, quite a bit of funny and the full scale story of my sister's poisoning.
My goal is to publish the memoir and then follow up with a book of essays. After that - I'm flirting with the idea of fiction. I have too much imagination!
What is the screenplay about?
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