The cutie to my left is my dear friend David Romanelli. I met David several years ago on a dream trip to Mexico. My precious husband gave me the trip for our 10th anniversary and it involved traveling to Oaxaca to study cooking with a world famous chocolatier and also to study yoga with a celebrity yogi who happened to be the aforementioned David.
I wasn't planning on writing about David today, but he has a hilarious website and blog in which he usually reflects on something spiritual. AND HE HAS A BOOK COMING OUT MARCH 10th with RANDOM HOUSE!!! Ahem... Sorry I got a little excited because I love his book. So yesterday he asked me to preview a post, and it moved me so much I wanted to share it. Actually it was a quote that I loved - and here it is:
The poet Patrick Overton wrote, "When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."
So often I feel like I am afraid. Afraid to fail. Or afraid that I've done something wrong. Sometimes I feel uncertain. Am I on the right path? Should I have said that? Or maybe a door closes. Like I get a rejection letter from someone I was interested in, or something doesn't work out like I planned. David's quote made me realize that these things don't matter. I'm a believer in God, aren't I? Damn right I am! And God has a grander plan than my short sighted eyes can see. He is closing the doors I'm walking towards because he wants me to go through other doors. And if there is a scary cliff on the other side of the door, he will catch me when I fall. In fact, he might be pushing me off the side of the cliff because he knows that I can fly. I just don't know it yet.
Aaahhh David. Thanks once again!
P.S. David's fantastic new book teaches you to really learn to live in the moment. Something that we all need to learn how to do, right? Pre-order your copy here.You won't regret it!
What an amazing gift your husband gave you! Cooking lessons and yoga in Mexico? Dreamy combination. Lucky girl, you.
I'll check out this guy's site!
It was the funnest trip I've ever been on - and David had us laughing so hard the whole time that our stomachs hurt 24/7.
His book is hilariously spiritual, which is a weird combination, but it works!
thx I needed this today. Ill call you soon :)
What a cute pic of Dave!
I subscribe to his e-newsletter, and it makes me so happy to see "yeah dave" in my message box. He is hilarious (in that great laughter-thru-tears kind of way).
Love your post!
Wow. Awesome vaca! I totally need to look into David's book! He has very wise words.
By the way, nice to meet you, love your blog!
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The rules are as follows: link to the person who tagged you; write down six things that make you happy; post the rules; tag six others and let them know you have done it; tell the person who tagged you when your entry is up.
Wow, Katie! Love this post. And I love Dave now too! Is he the perfect person or what? Sign me up for a sess with him!
Hope you are doing well. Missing you and really hope we see each other soon. August is too long to wait!
Thanks Purple Clover and Shelli and Eve! So glad to hear from all of your cute selves :-)
I hope everyone has a good day. I am shacked up writing and drinking coffee this morn which is exactly what I want to be doing :-)
And it's like 10 degrees outside! Shoo wee! I'm probably exaggerating, but that's what I do best.
Katie, I love how so much of your writing is about depth, spirit, and getting in touch with feelings that are so uncomfortable in the American world. I really resonated with 'did I do something wrong.' It's like having an awful Emily Post in my head all the time. This year, I'm jumping on out there too. (p.s. did you get a look at my new photo! just for you!)
Thanks Graeme! And YES I ADORE your new photo!!!
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