This week, I've taken a bit of a breather from our screenplay and have been working on a play to submit to Oxford's Ten Minute Play contest. The deadline is February 15th, and plays can be no longer than ten pages. Check out the rules and guidelines here. The coolest thing is that the top winners get to see their play performed. The second coolest thing is that the first place prize is $1000.
It's both fun and disorienting to try to write in a completely different genre and to write about a completely different subject.
Me? I opened a can of Schlitz,

downloaded some David Allan Coe onto my ipod,

and channeled my inner Trans-Am

so that I could write a play about rednecks in small town Mississippi. My two characters have a spicy interchange on the front porch while watching a heaping pile of garbage burn in their yard. We just have to hope that a spark from the fire doesn't leap over and ignite the trailer where they put granny to live on the front lawn.

[Oh, and I feel that I should clarify here since Katie wrote such a glowing post about our literary town of Oxford--this is one of those OTHER small towns in Mississippi]
So, Katie, Clover, Miss J, and all you other assassins out there--how 'bout it? Don't you wanna write a thriller spandex spy girl play? If you win, you could probably negotiate being cast in the lead. Then all your subversive secret agent dreams would come true. Daniel Craig might even be available for a cameo. Are you in????
We should totally do that - and then all the spy chicks can fly down here and watch our play performed. Then we could follow it with some fried dill pickles, mashed taters and gravy, greens and fried catfish.
Oh! And Schlitz :-)
But seriously, I LOVE your play. It will def. win something.
your too funny :)
Lord have mercy. You had me at fried pickles.
I am so in for Feb 2010. Clover sent me ideas yesterday for something she wants to do and I think Craig would cry into his fingers to be cast as lead. Granted, I'd prefer Gerard Butler, but we'll discuss.
Good luck on your play!! You have to keep us posted!
JJ, (my new nickname for you :) You CRACK me up!
Bring it!
I love the idea, SF - watching burning garbage and granny ignite! Too funny. Good luck on the contest!
And I'm with MsJ - Gerard Butler all the way, ooh la la!
Sounds like you're really embracing the world of your story! Good luck!
I am a huge fan of stage plays, and this one sounds excellent. :) So much talent PLOT THIS!!
Ok, if you want to scare us Yankees into NEVER crossing the Mason Dixon line, put that picture of David Allan Coe up again. All my fears for my children's futures, every one in that man...
Dang! How did I miss this post?! I'm totally in...you had me at Daniel's fried pickles. I mean Daniel Craig and fried pickles (can I dippy dip in some Ranch?! either.).
Yes, I gotta kickin' idea! But 2010 might have to work for me too!
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